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How does an alcohol swab kill bacteria?

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-05-31      Origin: Site


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How does an alcohol swab kill bacteria?

Alcohol has been used as a disinfectant for centuries. The most common disinfectant products in use today are topical alcohol and alcohol-based hand sanitizers made from an alcohol solution, usually isopropanol or ethanol. About 3000 BC in ancient Egypt. 5. palm wine is used to clean wounds and embalm dead bodies. Alcohol is very effective at fighting single-celled microbes such as bacteria, but advertisements for household disinfectants and other advertising often fail to explain the fascinating process by which alcohol kills bacteria. Thus, this article shall explain how alcohol swab kill bacteria.

Here are the main points of the article:

How does an alcohol swab kill bacteria?

What are the properties of alcohol swab?

What kind of alcohol swab is the best disinfectant?


How does an alcohol swab kill bacteria?

Alcohol in the alcohol swab kills bacteria through a denaturation process. Alcohol molecules are amphiphilic, which means they have both hydrophilic and lipophilic properties. Because bacteria have both a fat-based and water-based side of their membranes, alcohol molecules can bind to the membrane and break it down. When this happens, the core components of bacteria are exposed and dissolved, losing their structure and stopping functioning. As its organs fade away, the bacteria quickly die.

That is to say, when bacterial cells are exposed to alcohol, amphiphilic alcohol molecules in the alcohol swab bind to molecules on the bacterial cell membrane, making them more water-soluble. This causes the membrane to lose its structural integrity and fall apart. As it gets weaker, more alcohol molecules are able to enter the cell, and proteins suspended in the membrane begin to flow out of the weakened membrane. The alcohol molecules in the alcohol swab then begin to dissolve the proteins through a process called denaturation. By forming chemical bonds with alcohol molecules, amino acids in certain bacterial proteins begin to lose their structure and thus stop functioning. Because bacteria can't live without these proteins, cells die quickly, essentially melting from the inside and outside.


What are the properties of alcohol swab?

Rubbing alcohol and alcohol-based hand sanitizers are most commonly used to kill bacteria, either ethanol solutions or isopropanol solutions, both amphiphilic compounds. This property allows them to bind to the water-based membrane and destroy its structure, in other words, alcohol in the alcohol swab destroys the structure of the protein suspended in the water. Molecules and proteins in the membrane bind easily to alcohol molecules. Because single-celled microbes like bacteria and viruses are made mostly of water, which contains fatty proteins, alcohol's amphiphilicity makes it a very effective disinfectant. Cells exposed to alcohol in the alcohol swab can survive only a few minutes under the influence of alcohol.


What kind of alcohol swab is the best disinfectant?

Isopropanol, especially in a solution of 60% to 90% alcohol, plus 10% to 40% pure water, quickly fights bacteria and kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. Once the alcohol in the alcohol swab level drops below 50 percent, the effectiveness of disinfection drops dramatically. It is important to note that high concentrations of alcohol in the alcohol swab do not produce more desirable bactericidal, antiviral or fungicide properties. The presence of water is a key factor for isopropanol to kill or inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. As a catalyst, water plays a key role in protein denaturation of nutrient cell membrane. The 70% IPA solution penetrates the cell wall more thoroughly, penetrates the entire cell, and condenses all the proteins, so the microorganism dies. The extra moisture content slows evaporation, thus increasing surface contact time and increasing efficiency. The isopropanol concentration exceeds 91% leads to instant protein coagulation. This creates a protective layer that protects other proteins from further solidification.


With the information given above, the effectiveness of alcohol swabs in killing bacteria can be seen. For more information and high-quality alcohol swabs, contact us.

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